
On Sat, Jul 07, 2007, Mathias Brodala wrote:
> No matter which font I choose, the characters are rendered as written above 
> when
> using the Cairo backend. Rendering of the other two backends is fine with any
> font at any size. But I never had such an issue before so it seems like a
> correlation between the current Cairo libs and something else which was
> upgraded. More digging in dpkg logs …

 I could not reproduce your bug wit dejava at size 1 or 30, with cairo
 or xft, with full or no hinting.  I'm pretty sure this is font
 specific, so I would recommend you upgrade cairo, freetype, and your
 font package to the latest versions and try again whether you get the
 bug with dejavu.  If you don't get it with dejavu, for example with:
  pango-view --backend=cairo --hinting=full --font="dejavu 1" -t "夏影"

 then I think it's a problem specific to your font, but I'm not sure
 who's to blame.  If you reproduce it with dejavu, then I have no idea
 what to try.

 Where can I get your font?

Loïc Minier

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