Am Montag, den 24.12.2007, 23:28 +0100 schrieb Brice Goglin:
> Thank you very much for your input, I am going to forward all your 
> analysis in the upstream bug and I hope someone will be here to confirm 
> that you're right.
I got around to test a patched xserver on my 6x86 machine. The X server
works fine with this patch.

Surely this has been discussed multiple times: The nice thing about
debian stable is, that you can rely on all features and misfeatures in
it, so if you hacked a workaround for a bug that suddenly stops working
if the bug disappears, it will not stop working in debian stable. Of
course this policy has its merits.

But if a bug prevents the use of certain features completely, nothing
can be broken by fixing this bug, so a fix might be appropriate for
stable. Debian isn't doing it because of the philosophy of only adding
security updates to stable. Is there some third-party repository that
includes this kind of harmless bug fixes (I would call it something like
stable-recommended-updates), do you have any pointers to a discussion on
debian-devel about this subject?

  Michael Karcher

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