Sven Marnach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm not administrating that cluster any more.  I think the problem is
> a bit outdated anyway.  In etch, there is version 2.1.20 of cfengine2,
> and support for sarge is dropped by the end of the month.  So just
> close that bug (or tag it wontfix).

Yes, I know. :/ I will clean up the sarge-only bugs when support is

> Morten Werner Forsbring schrieb am Di, 11. Mär 2008, um 07:24:41 +0100:
>> are you sure you upgraded the server to 2.1.14 before upgrading the
>> clients? From upstream changelog to 2.1.14:
> I only updated the server, because the clients did a complete
> reinstall on every boot.
>> If not, a bug regarding RSA key exchange was fixed in 2.1.15:
>>   Segmentation fault in cfservd with RSA key exchange fixed.
>> You probably would have noticed if the server segfaulted?
> I probably would have noticed this, but it's impossible to check it,
> because the cluster has been reinstalled completey two years ago and
> doesn't use cfengine any more.

Thanks for the reply!!

- Werner

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