Y Giridhar Appaji Nag schrieb am Mon 04. Aug, 22:47 (+0530):
> On 08/08/03 02:26 +0200, Jörg Sommer said ...
> > can you add an option for the config file to not upload the changes
> > files. This is helpful for private archives like mine
> > http://alioth.debian.org/~jo-guest/debian/
> I am not sure how you maintain your archive [1] but you would have to do
> some post-upload-processing to generated the Packages file etc..
> Removing the .changes file would be one of those.

Yes you're right, but than there's a short moment where the changes
file is public.

> I am afraid this wishlist is wontfix.

Okay. You can close it or should I do so?

Have a nice day, Jörg.
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