Package: general
Version: AMD64

This is basically a debian AMD64-version of the bug report for ubuntu
AMD64 bug 24691 [1].

The problem is (seems to be) that a lot of libraries are built with
alignment above 2**3. Most of these cases are actually 2**20 in ubuntu
AMD64 and 2**21 in debian AMD64. In other words, 1 and 2 MB

I often see loose and vague arguments such as "if 99MB of that is
shared, the calculator is really only 'using' 1MB of ram -- and that's
fine" [2].
It's not fine. And it's certainly incorrect. Just because a library is
shared doesn't mean it's fine that it consumes megabytes(!) of memory
in vain. Especially libraries that are "shared" "between" 1 process.
Now, I can't figure out why such huge amounts of memory is hogged on
my computer. But I need to restart X about once a week. If I don't, my
4 GB of RAM is quickly filled and my 4 GB swap starts to work (hurray,
15 second delay when changing virtual desktop). It's been like this
since I bought this machine (soon 2 years ago), and I frequently
update my X driver (-radeon, -radeonhd, fglrx, etc), so I doubt they
are to blame for stealing my memory, even though it could've been a
good guess.

memstat reports lots and lots of libraries which consumes slightly
more than 2 mb each:
$ memstat | grep '\.so' | grep -v PID
gives me 551 lines, and by just grasping the result, easily 90% of
them are slightly more than 2 mb (2**21 + small stuff).

If these libraries could be built with 2**3 (8 byte) alignment,
instead of 2**21 (2 megabytes), I assume, just like the discussion in
[1], that at least some memory wouldn't be wasted in vain.
So how many libraries (on my system) are built with 2**21 alignment?

/lib: $ for file in `\ls *.so.*` ; do if objdump -x $file | grep -q -e
'2\*\*21' ; then echo $file ; fi ; done | wc
/usr/lib: $ for file in `\ls *.so.*` ; do if objdump -x $file | grep
-q -e '2\*\*21' ; then echo $file ; fi ; done | wc
/usr/lib/*: $ for file in `\ls */*.so.*` ; do if objdump -x $file |
grep -q -e '2\*\*21' ; then echo $file ; fi ; done | wc

99 + 2777 + 396 = 3272.
Quite a lot of libraries. Loading them all would require roughly 7 GB.
Remember: loading. Not using. And these are just on my system, it's
not even close to "all" libraries in debian.

Just looking at how much memory pidgin-specific plugins consumes is frightening:
memstat | grep -E '(purple|pidgin)+.*\.so.*'
Returns 88 libraries, ALL consuming slightly more than 2 mb. How many
of them are "shared" with any other program than pidgin? I'd say none.
But that's just a guess.
So this means at least 200 mb memory usage for pidgin alone? Could
this really be the case?!
$ ps aux | grep pidgin
gustaf   30432  0.2  1.7 631196 68532 ?        S    Aug26   2:36 pidgin
Oh yeah, 631192 kB virtual and 68532 kB resident.

I say this again, some people argues; "but most of that 616 MB is
shared so it doesn't matter". It matters, because Linux prefers to
swap it, to give place for IO buffers, and when things are being
swapped, holy moses, Ctrl+Alt+Backspace is thy saviour.
Pidgin consuming 616 MB virtual memory is just.. Well.. Messed up. To
put it lightly.

It could be reasonable to see the rest of the memory hoggers on my
system, to make it clear that this really is a big problem.

Please note that pidgin is only on 8th place! This is 'top' sorted by
'M' (memory usage):

31095 gustaf    20   0 1314m 700m  35m R   30 17.8 252:06.36 firefox-bin
32197 gustaf    20   0 1006m 439m  39m S   12 11.2 167:03.50 epiphany-browse
30134 root      20   0  625m 256m  14m S    8  6.5  99:41.51 Xorg
 2680 gustaf    20   0  479m 103m  25m S    0  2.6   4:07.31 banshee-1
30305 gustaf    20   0  438m  82m  17m S    0  2.1   0:31.87 /usr/lib/ontv/o
 1621 gustaf    20   0  304m  76m  14m S    0  1.9   0:42.91 gnome-terminal
 6070 clamav    20   0 92524  76m  380 S    0  1.9   0:00.00 clamd
30432 gustaf    20   0  616m  66m  28m S    1  1.7   2:37.08 pidgin

$ free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          3934       3891         43          0        331       1186
-/+ buffers/cache:       2373       1561
Swap:         3859          5       3853

Real memory usage of my very recently booted machine (I haven't
started even a small subset of the apps I usually run): 2373 MB!

$ uptime
 12:27:24 up 21:44, 13 users,  load average: 1.09, 1.05, 0.99

I'm not sure my mobo supports much more than what I have, but I'm
seriously thinking of spending (too much) money on 8 or 16 GB RAM,
just to have a system that is usable.

Oh yeah, I'm using 'sid', maybe that's important to know, by I
certainly doubt it.

I haven't seen many discussions about this in debian, and just 1 about
ubuntu [1]. It could be that I have gotten things completely the wrong
way (then please tell me so), but it could also be that this has been
overseen for too long, and now needs serious attention.
Memory is cheap nowadays, but it isn't free. And if we're expected to
buy dozens of GB to get a usable system, then, well, debian is getting
rather expensive I'm afraid.



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