Hi Daniel,

Daniel Jacobowitz schrieb am Fri 30. Jan, 08:58 (-0500):
> On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 10:54:55AM +0100, Jörg Sommer wrote:
> > Reading symbols from /lib/libpthread.so.0...Reading symbols from 
> > /usr/lib/debug/lib/libpthread-2.9.so...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
> > (no debugging symbols found)...done.
> This is deliberate.  Those files do contain some debug information -
> unwind tables used for backtracing, without which debugging other
> programs is a real pain.  If you need to debug libc, set
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/debug.

But this doesn't work for core dumps. I would like to get more
informations, like local variables from core dumps. How can I get such
informations with the debugging library in /usr/lib/debug?

Bye, Jörg.
Prof. in der Mathematikvorlesung zu einem vergessenen φ in der
Gleichung: „Klein‐φ macht auch Mist.“

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