Package: apt
Severity: wishlist

From the discussion at the apt maintainer list:

Eugene V. Lyubimkin hat am Fri 06. Feb, 11:45 (+0200) geschrieben:
> Jörg Sommer wrote:
> >>> No, apt should fail in the case it has to remove more packages than
> >>> given at the command line. The tool deborphan finds packages they
> >>> aren't needed. But it might get some things wrong and suggest packages
> >>> they are needed. Then the call “apt-get remove $(deborphan)” should fail.
> >> Ah, understood. Yes, such an option would be useful :)

Bye, Jörg.
Prof. in der Mathematikvorlesung zu einem vergessenen φ in der
Gleichung: „Klein‐φ macht auch Mist.“

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