Thanks for the quick reply!

Romain Beauxis wrote:
> Le Monday 09 March 2009 12:59:12 Alon Swartz, vous avez écrit :
>> The Debian MediaWiki package sets up extensions to be installed in
>> /var/lib. According to the FHS, /var/lib holds Variable state information:
> (...)
>> A more fitting location would be /usr/lib, as it is used for libraries of
>> programming and packages.
>> Seeing that the extensions are more like libraries for the MediaWiki
>> package, and that they are most likely installed by the local
>> administrator and not the package management system (with the exception
>> of the mediawiki-extensions package, which installs to
>> /etc/mediawiki-extensions anyway), a more FHS compliant location would
>> be /usr/local/lib.
> I think you misundertood the FHS specifications. Firstly, /usr/lib shouldn't 
> be modified by the administrator, but ony by packages. Locally modified files 
> go to /usr/local/lib and the like.

I agree, I never meant to imply otherwise.

> Secondly, /usr/lib is meant for binary data, whereas extensions, being php 
> text data, are architecture-independant, and, as such, should go 
> to /usr/share, or /usr/local/share for custom extensions.

Thanks for clearing up the binary data bit, I missed that...

/usr/share and /usr/local/share is a better fit, which is why I don't
understand why the package symlinks /usr/share/mediawiki/extensions to

>From what I understand, /var/lib is meant to hold state information
pertaining to the application. State information is data that programs
modify while they run. Are extensions considered state information?

> Eventually, the mediawiki package does not enforce any specific location for 
> the extensions, since they are loaded from the configuration file. And this 
> configuration file belongs in /etc/mediawiki/, which corresponds to the 
> requirement:
>   "Users must never need to modify files in /var/lib to configure a package's 
> operation."

In the current configuration, if an administrator would like to install
an extension, he would install it into /var/lib/mediawiki/extensions,
unless he manually changes the configuration.


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