
A quite old bug, but I may have more precise informations

>> Bash completion fails to account for soft links properly:
>>   nsla...@mahora: ~ $ mkdir -p dir-a/dir-b
>>   nsla...@mahora: ~ $ ln -s dir-a/dir-b dir-c
>>   nsla...@mahora: ~ $ touch doc-a
>>   nsla...@mahora: ~ $ touch doc-b
>>   nsla...@mahora: ~ $ cd dir-c
>>   nsla...@mahora: ~/dir-c $ cat ../doc-
>>   doc-a doc-b

> This is because it considers "dir-c" as a sibling of dir-a, not as
> dir-a/dir-b. :(
way to reproduce:
pa...@desky:~$ mkdir symlink
pa...@desky:~$ touch toto
pa...@desky:~$ ln -s symlink /tmp/newlink
pa...@desky:~$ touch tmp/tutu
pa...@desky:~$ cd /tmp/newlink
pa...@desky:/tmp/newlink$ cat ../
pa...@desky:/tmp/newlink$ cat ../tutu
cat: ../tutu: No such file or directory

it looks like bash-completion just looks at the apparent directory structure, 
and does not follow the target of the links.
On the upper example, it checks into /tmp directory instead of checking into 

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