Package: lxsession
Version: 0.4.4-3

This happens with the current LXDE environment in Squeeze
as of 6 Nov 2010.

Under the following circumstances, lxsession fails to start the window
manager openbox:

 * There is a non-empty configuration file

 * The desktop.conf file does not contain a

This situation is created when one configures LXDE by using the
preferences -> keyboard and mouse menu item, which creates such
a desktop.conf file.
Configuring the window manager with "desktop session settings"/Advance
Options apparently does not place a proper entry in the desktop.conf
file but places the window manager in a distinct file named "config"
in the LXDE directory.
This file seems to be ignored by the LXDE session.

The problem can be circumvented by copying
/etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/desktop.conf to the user's
~/.config/lxsession/LXDE/ directory before doing configurations.

Claus Fischer <>

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