Am 14.06.2011 12:06, schrieb Didier Raboud:

Thanks for your time and skills !

Just want to let you know that I'm on the job now and following this exchange.

Originally, the packed config file was not intended for default use on desktop systems. It kind of amazed me to see this happening on today's resource-loaded devices.

Well, now we have it and it makes sense to consider a mix of packed and unpacked configurations, particularly when adding new device data or changing existing entries. I don't like the folder splitting though; the unpacked/edited files should be close to the other configurations. Why not use the "/usr/share/usb_modeswitch" folder, alongside the package?

I propose to drop the check for the old config folder (/etc/usb_modeswitch.d) in the upcoming wrapper version altogether. Also, I think we can agree that in the now possible case of duplicate configurations (one unpacked, one packed) the unpacked file should have the higher priority.

What do you think?


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