Am 09.11.2011 06:08, schrieb Ben Hutchings:

> Can you test Linux 3.0 (from testing/unstable) on this system? If that
> has the same problem then I can ask the upstream developers to help. Ben. 

Now I tried to compile kernel 3.0.8 from Compilation
worked but there is any problem when booting (because of embedded system
I can not see the kernel boot msg).
To check if I have a problem with compiling/installing Selfmade kernel I
created kernel 2.6.38 by myself. This is working fine

So I took a ready made .deb file from community  (uname -r
3.0.0-rc6-bug-wl). Now I can boot an can login.

Unfortunately, the network system's behaviour is the same as before
described above in this thread.
Do you think another kernel would help?

Best regards

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