A few remarks, after looking the source:

-- libfile-slurp-perl is not a dependency anymore from version 0.7.9
(cf. the diff between commits 9a00cd (version 0.7.9) and 91830b (version
0.7.8) at upstream's cvs: https://github.com/sukria/Backup-Manager ,
branch 'releases').

-- libnet-amazon-s3-perl is indeed a dependency. However upstream code
does test for module's existence and fails gracefully if it is not
present. By gracefully I mean that it does signal an error and logs to
syslog (through the 'print_error' function) if the module is not
present. I believe this was done at 0.7.9 version, also. 

Thus libnet-amazon-s3-perl is a "soft" dependency (deserving a Suggests)
and all issues reported by the OP are now fixed by upstream.

Therefore, I propose to update the control file, removing the
libfile-slurp-perl from the "Suggests" section (libnet-amazon-s3-perl is
already there) and close the bug.


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