
Le jeudi 23 février 2012 à 22:46 +0100, Guillaume Delacour a écrit :
> It seems to be a problem in both buildd kfreebsd hosts fano and field:
> the ip6-localhost entry point to (with correct entries, on
> fresh install of debian/kfreebsd for example, the problem does not
> appear).
> As a workaround, i can patch upstream test suite to force to bind IPv6
> loopback ::1 instead of ip6-localhost.

I'm afraid, there is another problem with fano and field schroots: appears to point twice to localhost, so sslh try to listen
twice to localhost (--listen$sslh_port in "t" test file).
I've ping christoph on irc to know if it is possible to fix /etc/hosts
on these box, otherwise i'll refresh the patch i've made to bind to and not localhost.

Guillaume Delacour <g...@iroqwa.org>

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