severity 523087 important

Julien Cristau wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> On Wed, 2009-04-08 at 15:05 +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> Does it help if you restart the nm-system-settings daemon (killall
>> nm-system-settings).
> no change.
>> If not, try to restart dbus and if that fails, reboot.
> restarting dbus makes the nm icon disappear from the panel.  killing and
> restarting nm-applet after that seems to make it work (well, except it
> prompts me for the password which it should already know, so there's
> still something broken.  looking at its error output, it looks like it
> couldn't connect to gnome-keyring-daemon.)

Restarting dbus will kill gnome-keyring, so this is expected.

As this problem is only of temporary nature (ie can be fixed by a reboot or dbus
restart), I'm downgrading to important.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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