Martin Schroeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2005-08-12 13:36:32 +0200, Thomas Esser wrote:
>> > Now I'm wondering which changes you have made to the upstream sources,
>> > and whether they were on purpose; and whether this makes teTeX
>> > non-vulnerable, or requires a different patch to fix the vulnerability.
>> For the reasons given above, I think that teTeX is only affected by a
>> subset of all xpdf vulnerabilities.
> We already have xpdf 3.00pl3, so everything till then should be
> fixed. We checked sometime before CAN2005-2097 for effects of the
> known vulnerabilities on pdfTeX and found none.

Have you pdfTeX people ever considered to use libpoppler instead of
copied xpdf code - or are there any plans for a libxpdf?  In this case
it would be much easier, because all distributions would simply provide
a new version of the dynamic library and be done for all xpdf-derived

> I don't know about 2005-2097, but the worst would be a crash of
> pdfTeX. 

Unfortunately not, the worst is a DOS attack against a "pdf server", as
explained in:

| xpdf and kpdf did not sufficiently verify the validity of the "loca"
| table in PDF files, a table that contains glyph description
| information for embedded TrueType fonts. After detecting the broken
| table, xpdf attempted to reconstruct the information in it, which
| caused the generation of a huge temporary file that quickly filled up
| available disk space and rendered the application unresponsive.

> Is a patch around?

Yes, as an attachment on, or at where Hilmar took it from. 

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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