On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 11:33:41PM +0100, sean finney wrote:
> hi,
> On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 09:47:50PM +0100, Iustin Pop wrote:
> > > (without the negation).  adding a negation operator to this is what was
> > > raising my eyebrows.  it could be that as long as everything is a constant
> > > that stuff is okay, but once you negate a non-constant value holding 
> > > INT_MIN
> > > you are definitely in trouble, and the level of meta with C++/templating
> > > added to this protobuf compiling stuff makes me think that not everything
> > > that appears constant is in fact constant.
> > 
> > Honestly this is way above my skills :), but I don't think the above is
> > true. Constant or not, negation should work the same.
> nope:
> agricola% cat foo.c
> #include <stdint.h>
> int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
>       int32_t a = -0x80000000;  /* okay, apparently */
>       int32_t b = 0x80000000;
>       if (argc > 1) b = -b;  /* not okay */
>       return 0;
> }
> agricola% gcc -g -ftrapv foo.c
> agricola% ./a.out 
> agricola% ./a.out foo
> zsh: abort      ./a.out foo
> i'm a bit surprised that -0x80000000 actually works, but not at all suprised
> that negating an signed int with INT_MIN doesn't.

So again, sorry if I'm talking stupid things. But here the compiler does
exactly what you required it to do. 0x80000000 as a positive constant doesn't
work already, if you for example try to print it it's stored as a negative
value (it actually becomes equal to a, -0x80000000), which of course cannot be
negated again because it would overflow.

Also, -0x80000000 is a perfectly normal and legal value, it's documented
to be OK.

To me be above bevahiour of 100% correct and expected.

Check this version:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
        int32_t a = -0x80000000;  /* okay, apparently */
        int32_t b = 0x80000000;
        printf("%i\n", b);
        printf("%i\n", a==b);
        if (argc > 1) b = -b;  /* not okay */
        return 0;

The problem occurs at the original assignment to b, not at the negation
of it.

> > #include <stdio.h>
> > #include <limits.h>
> > 
> > int main() {
> >         long long int j = LLONG_MAX;
> >         int check = 0;
> > 
> >         j -= 10;
> >         j += 5;
> >         j += 3;
> >         j += 2;
> >         check = (-j -1 ) == LLONG_MIN;
> > 
> >         printf("%d\n", check);
> >         return 0;
> > }
> > 
> > This small test program gives 1 with any combination of the flags below.
> why shouldn't it?

Because I'm wrapping arround while doing arithmetic, and even after that, the
wraparound behaviour results in the original value. No uncertainties. No aborts
with -ftrapv.

> > Hmm, this might make sense, except for my latest findings which were 
> > reported
> > on the debian-arm list.
> > 
> > First and very important, gcc 4.3 passes the tests, gcc 4.4 (the default 
> > now in
> > sid) fails the tests. This, coupled with the fact that every single other
> > architecture works fine, tells me that it's rather some kind of regression 
> > in
> > gcc 4.4 on armel, rather than following or not the standard.
> i'm not saying it *isn't* a compiler error, but inserting a few printfs and
> the problem disappearing is also pretty common in other situations of
> "undefined behavior"...

I disagree here. Undefined behaviour related to integer arithmetic
should only corrupt the values in question, and a printf can't magically
make them correct again. So yes, it might be a compiler bug, but I still
don't think it's related to 64-bit arithmetic, but rather something else
(storage of 64-bits values in registers/memory? optimization of such
values? etc.).

I'll run a compile with trapv, but a few small tests with the
ZigZagEncode64/ZigZagDecode64 a -ftrapv shows there is no overflow. Expect
results in a few hours…

Thanks for all the comments. Again, I'm not very skilled at this, so
apologies for any stupid things I said.


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