This one time, at band camp, Gordon Haverland said:
> After the 4 dpkg-reconfigure runs, things seem to be working.  
> That was the end result mentioned above.  That nothing in 
> /etc/clamav changed after the fresh re-install (after purging) was 
> interesting.

What it looks like happened was:

Due to a bug in our maintainer scripts, debconf put a bad value in the
config file.  This made clamd a bit wobbly and made freshclam unable to
talk to it.

You updated the config file manually.  From here on, configuration did
not change.

The dpkg-reconfigure runs were to ensure that we didn't further screw up
your configuration files - we passed that test, at least, by not writing
more garbage into them.

The reason it's all working now is that you have (by way of running
dpkg-reconfigure in the right order) restarted both clamd and freshclam
now that the correct config file is in place.  You should be ok now, and
thanks for helping us debug this.

|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                               |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                            |

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