control: severity -1 normal

>>>>> "Cyril" == Cyril Brulebois <> writes:

    Cyril> serious & wontfix make for a strange combination…

Yeah, my bad for dropping the ball.
My intent with wontfix was to create a pause and better understand the
As I understand it,

* On first install, pam_namespace will require an explicit daemon-reload
before it can be started.
However pam_namespace requires explicit administrator configuration

* We don't want pam_namespace to be started automatically, so it's great
that it isn't today

* it's possible that on upgrade or remove it might not be stopped.
That's not a bug today but will be next time the code for the namespace
helper service changes.

None of that sounds RC to me.
Not even important, although I can see an argument either way there and
would be happy to stand aside (or even do the work) if Steve thinks we
should fix this.

I'm very uncomfortable moving files between / and /usr especially in an
essential package.
Between the issues Simon has documented over the years with libraries
and the dpkg aliasing bugs, we've managed to hurt ourselves with this a
number of times.
I *think* this situation is safe.
But when I read the freeze policy, none of the issues mentioned above
justify a change this late in the release process.

I definitely do not think we could undo the  change if we make it until
dpkg fixes the aliasing bug.
The suggestion in Lauren't initial bug report that it would be
appropriate to undo this change after the bookworm release really
frustrated me.
It displayed a complete lack of understanding of the dpkg aliasing
and I didn't manage to overcome that frustration enough to look at this
issue again until your mail prompted me.
Thanks for that.

If I've mischaracterized the severity of the potential harm above, let
me know.
I don't want a broken pam, but I also consider this kind of move
moderate risk.


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