Hi Adam,

On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 11:02:37PM +1000, Cassar, Adam wrote:
> Thanks for that SuperMMX..
> My default system local is currently set to en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8.  It is
> the only locale that I have configured.

That's good, UTF-8 locale are supposed to show Chinese characters just
fine (as long as you have proper fonts installed, of course).

> I am currently mounting the share using the following command...
> smbmount //xxxxxxxx/filesync /mnt/filesync -o 
> username=xxxxx,codepage=cp950,isocharset=utf8 
> or 
> mount -t smbfs -o username=xxxxx,codepage=cp950,iocharset=utf8 
> //xxxxxxxx/filesync /mnt/filesync
> When I list the contents of the mounted share,  the chinese named files 
> display as ??????.htm
> Does anyone have any further ideas ?

Since you are mounting a smb share, I think it's also related to the
host machine.  And I'm not even sure the codepage= and iocharset=
options works for smbfs.

I've never played with a smb share hosted by Windows machine, but I've
heard that if you host a smb share from Linux, you can choose what
charset you local file system uses, and what charset your smb share is
shown as.

So basicly you just need to make sure your smb share speaks UTF-8 to
outside.  From what I understand, your smb share comes from a Windows
machine, right?


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