On Tue, May 29, 2007 at 04:52:03PM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
> On Tue, May 29, 2007 at 04:29:50PM +0200, Mike Hommey wrote:
> > On Tue, May 29, 2007 at 04:17:53PM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
> > > Ok, then we come back to the problem of Frans, right, who found it
> > > totally unacceptable that i dared to present myself as DPL, and chose to
> > > hurry to search expulsion supporters to punish me for it ?
> > 
> > Sven, could you "slide" back to your own parallel world, and send back the
> > yourself from this world, please ?
> Mike, i ask you to look at the expulsion details, i will sent them to
> you if you have not otherwise access, and look at the evidence found
> there, how At least two people said something replied to Frans, where
> they replied before the deadline was over, which makes it evident that
> it was frans who was one of the motors of the expulsion supporters
> searchers. Then you look at the date of the expulsion request, go back 2
> weeks, and see it is the day after my DPL candidacy.
> Then, you tell me at that time, a week into february, what could
> possibly be reproached to me and justify a renewed expulsion request ? 
>From my point of view, your words are less important that your actions
and what happended in the past is less important that what you are doing
now. You are just trying to be 'right' at any expense by beating up
everyone else wheather they were involved in the events or not. You
obviously have not seen the 'subversion guys talk at google about
poisonous people'.  In life you can 'be right' or 'be happy'. You choose
'being right' and the result is not being 'happy'. And your attacks on
Debian are a substitute for something else that makes you unhappy. And
that issue can not be solved by attacking folks here.
Please find a way to resolve your sadness by seeking therapy. 
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