On Wed, Jun 20, 2007 at 04:28:25PM +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Realy cool!
> ...and WHY do you have send thios message to the "Curiosa" List?
> Are you courios about it?
> Am 2007-06-17 00:29:49, schrieb Peter Samuelson:
> > 
> > I didn't sign up for this "open source PBX" and I don't want it
> > 
> > Thanks
Many Debian lists get email from people who subscribe to the CALLWAVE
service and seem to think we (Debian) can unsubscribe them (which we can
not). They express anger at us because they think we are not being
helpful by not unsubscribing them, when, in fact, we have nothing to do
with this. Some folks find these messages from these clueless users
funny. The above email was a parody of these emails because of the
similarity between 'CALLWAVE' and 'CALLWEAVER'.
Hope that explains.
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