Gunnar Wolf <> writes:

> Paul Wise dijo [Wed, Jun 01, 2016 at 01:59:03PM +0800]:
> >
> IDs that follow formats similar to dates should be avoided and
> banned. I scratched my head with curiosity as to how an article from
> April 2018 was being refered...

Silly rabbit. Surely it's obvious to everyone here that those timestamp
components are in increasing order of specificity. That's a reference to
18:20 on the 4th of February in the year 15 (of the current century).

> Not only that — It seems that in the next few years we will get a
> calendar reform so that April has at least 215 days.

Provided the first 184 days of the month are full of April Fool jokes, I

 \      “On the internet you simply can't outsource parenting.” —Eliza |
  `\      Cussen, _Top 10 Internet Filter Lies_, The Punch, 2010-03-25 |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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