Hello all, 

You were so helpful with my last issue I thought I'd give you more
information about my project and some other issues I am having. What I
am doing is building a simple computer for the Senior Project.
Basically, it will be a computer that your Grandmother could use. I uses
the Matchbox project for a window manager and desktop and includes
custom versions of Epiphany, Sylpheed, Abiword and Gthumb. For the most
part it works very well and simple-cdd has been very easy to use and has
drastically reduced the amount of work I had to do. 

I have had a few issues with it I would like help with:

1. Every time I run the installation of the cd built with simple-cdd I
get the "Warning: file://cdrom/dists/etch/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz
was corrupt" message. It's more of annoyance than anything. It seems to
be the same issue that was posted to the list in October but no
solutions were ever given for it. I have always gotten this error
message even when I used the x-basic profile so it's not anything
particular the profile I'm using. As far as a can the the md5sums are
correct but I'm not sure if I'm using the correct process to check them.

2. I have made many CD and tested them but all of a sudden I've been
getting an error that package mplayer is missing. This happened after
making some small changes to the profile but I do not remember what they
were. You can see the out put of the build script in stderr and stdout
attached. I am using several custom debs and I tried manually
downloading mplayer and placing it into the custome debs directory but
it made no difference. I have tried deleting the tmp folder and forcing
the script to rebuild the mirror and everything but that did not make a
difference either. 

3. This is more of a general Debian question than simple-cdd but I want
as much hard as possible to automatically configured. In particular I
would like the default drivers and setup to be used for any printer
connected. It seems the printconf package is supposed to do this but it
didn't seem to work for me. Also the sound does not seem to be working,
I think it's probably just of matter of having the right packages. I can
manually configure it by installing alsa-base and alsa-utils and running
alsaconf but I want it automatic. Finally when I tried installing it on
real hardware it did not do a good job of detecting the monitor. In
particular the HorizSync and VertRefresh values were not correct and the
refresh rate was far from optimal in Xorg. Using ddcprobe I could find
the correct values and enter them in xorg.conf but naturally I would
like it to be done automatically. It is probably just a matter of
installing the right packages or using preseeding but I have no idea

That's all for now, If you could shed any light on any of these issues I
would appreciate it. I am using Debian Etch with simple-cdd 0.3.6 from
sid and am building the cd with 
simple-cdd --profiles opc --profiles-udeb-dist sid
Attached is the configuration and profiles. 
# simple-cdd.conf detailed configuration file

# Note: this is an example list of configuration options: it is *strongly*
# advised to merely create a new file using only the options you actually need.

# Note: Variables in lowercase are only used by simple-cdd.

# Profile Selection
# The following four files get included on the CD if present:
# $profile.preseed  
#   Debconf selections.
# $profile.packages  
#   Packages to be installed with the profile. Dependencies also will 
#   be installed.
# $profile.downloads  
#   Additional packages to be included on the CD with this profile, but 
#   not installed by default.
# $profile.postinst  
#   Post-install script that is run after installing packages.
# During the install after base system setup, it will give you the 
# options to determine which profiles you want to install.


# Profiles to include on the CD
#profiles="x-basic ltsp"

# To automatically select profiles (must also be listed in profiles):

# To include profiles which only effect the CD build
# build_profiles="foo bar baz"

# Mirror tools
# mirror_tools="wget reprepro"

# Mirror variables

# which components to get from the mirror
mirror_components="main contrib non-free"

# Mirror for security updates
#   Expects security updates to be in dists/DEBIAN_DIST/updates

# Extra mirror
#   Only works with "wget reprepro" mirror tools.

#mirror_components_extra="$mirror_components non-free"

# Extra files to include onto the CD
#   These will get copied to /simple-cdd dir on the CD

# Generate a simple package repository on the CD with the debs cited
#   Please insert full paths.

# Call mirror tools at each build- defaults to true.

# Set your proxy (if any). 
#export http_proxy=http://localhost:3128

# Enable serial console settings: true/false
# useful when testing with qemu's -nographic mode

# Location of debian-cd files

# Temporary directory for simple-cdd

# Set target architecture for build
#export ARCH=${ARCH:-`dpkg --print-architecture`}
#export ARCHES=$ARCH

# You can use a alternative splash image using a PNG image (640 x 480, 
# 4-bit colormap, non-interlaced), other formats should work but weren't 
# tested. Keep in mind that the alternative splash image will be displayed 
# only at the installer boot prompt.
# export SPLASHPNG="$simple_cdd_dir/yourimage.png"

# Don't include the manual or release notes, respectively, to save space.
export OMIT_MANUAL=1

# Don't generate JIGDO files
#export DOJIGDO=0

# Define the CD label
export DISKINFO="Simple Computer $(date --utc +%Y%m%d)"

# Where debian-cd expects to find itself :)
#export BASEDIR=$simple_cdd_temp/debian-cd
# Kernel parameters passed to the CD bootloader works with isolinux on i386.
#export KERNEL_PARAMS="preseed/file=/cdrom/simple-cdd/default.preseed"

# download a specific codename branch, such as sid, sarge, or etch.

# download a specific installer release, such as 20041118 or rc2

# custom debian-installer images to use. must contain one sub-directory for
# each architecture.

# files needed to build the CD, downloaded from the default mirror
#mirror_files="README doc/ tools/"

## Values used by both the various mirror tools and debian-cd
# directory of debian mirror
#export MIRROR=$simple_cdd_dir/mirror/

# location of generated task file
#export TASK=$simple_cdd_temp/simple-cdd.task

# These are generally debian-cd files which should get included in the task file
$BASEDIR/tasks/debian-installer-$CODENAME $BASEDIR/tasks/base-$CODENAME"

# Location of generated debpartial-mirror configuration file

# Package filter
#debpartial_filter="main:*:standard main:*:required main:*:important 
#debpartial_filter_security="main:*:standard main:*:required main:*:important"
#debpartial_filter_extra="main:*:standard main:*:required main:*:important"
# Filter for newer (0.2.90+) versions of debpartial-mirror

# Components for newer (0.2.90+) versions of debpartial-mirror
#debpartial_components="main main/debian-installer"
# Security components for newer (0.2.90+) versions of debpartial-mirror
# Extra components for newer (0.2.90+) versions of debpartial-mirror

## debian-cd options
# Packages to include in initial debootstrap install.
# Note that this will not work well with multi-arch CDs
#export BASE_INCLUDE=$simple_cdd_temp/simple-cdd.$CODENAME.base_include

# Packages to exclude from the initial debootstrap install, useful if 
# you want to use a MTA other than exim
#export BASE_EXCLUDE=$simple_cdd_dir/excludes/base-excludes-sarge

# Location where generated CD image(s) will be put
#export OUT=$simple_cdd_dir/images/

# debian-cd temporary directories
#export TDIR="$simple_cdd_temp/cd-build"
#export APTTMP="$TDIR/apt/"

# Increase the size limit if debian-cd tries to make more CDs than you want,
# and the generated CDs are smaller than 650MB, or if you want to generate
# larger than "normal" CD images.
#export SIZELIMIT=838860800

# Don't include contrib
#export CONTRIB=0

# Only generate one CD
#export MAXCDS=1

# Only put the installer onto the cd (set NORECOMMENDS,... as well).
# INSTALLER_CD=0: nothing special (default)
# INSTALLER_CD=1: just add debian-installer (use TASK=tasks/debian-installer)
# INSTALLER_CD=2: add d-i and base (use TASK=tasks/debian-installer+kernel)
# What I understand it does is saying "I do want the installer [and base], so
# make sure they're always in"  (--Enrico)
#export INSTALLER_CD=2

## qemu options
# Location of the hard disk image (used with qemu's -hda option)

# size of qemu hard disk image to create (if not already present)

# location of the CD image (used with qemu's -cdrom option)
#cd_img="$OUT/${CDNAME:-debian}-$(echo $DEBVERSION | sed -e 's/[. ]//g')-$(echo 
$ARCHES | tr ' ' '-')-CD-1.iso"

# memory available within qemu, in MB

# additional options that get passed to qemu

simple computer
# window manager

# x-teminal-emulator

# menus up to date

# login manager

# includes startx

# X

# workaround http://bugs.debian.org/405639
#autologin startx and run matchbox-session
 sed -ie 's,getty 38400 tty1,mingetty --autologin home tty1,g' /etc/inittab

for it in `ls /home/`
 echo "startx" >> /home/$it/.bash_profile
 echo "matchbox-session" >> /home/$it/.xinitrc

#remove docs that won't ever be read to save space
rm -rf /usr/share/doc

#allow the user to shutdown with icon
echo "user ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown" >> /etc/sudoers

#disable right mouse and middle mouse buttons
sed -ie '/Protocol/a    Option  "ButtonMapping" "1 1 1 4 5 6 7"' 
# these are the basic debconf pre-seeding items needed for a miminal
# interaction debian etch install using debian-installer

# this example pre-seeding file was largely based on
# http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/example-preseed.txt
# for more explanation of the options, see:
# http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/en.mips/apbs04.html

## simple-cdd options

# automatically select simple-cdd profiles
# NOTE: profile "default" is now automatically included, and should not be
# specified here.
simple-cdd simple-cdd/profiles multiselect opc
#simple-cdd simple-cdd/profiles multiselect ltsp, x-basic

###### Package selection.

# You can choose to install any combination of tasks that are available.
# Available tasks as of this writing include: Desktop environment,
# Web server, Print server, DNS server, File server, Mail server, 
# SQL database, manual package selection. The last of those will run
# aptitude. You can also choose to install no tasks, and force the
# installation of a set of packages in some other way.

# don't install any tasks
tasksel   tasksel/first multiselect 
#tasksel   tasksel/first multiselect Desktop environment
#tasksel  tasksel/first multiselect Web server, Mail server, DNS server

###### Localization
#d-i debian-installer/locale string en_US
#d-i console-keymaps-at/keymap select us

###### Time zone setup.

# Controls whether or not the hardware clock is set to UTC.
d-i clock-setup/utc boolean true

# Many countries have only one time zone. If you told the installer you're
# in one of those countries, you can choose its standard time zone via this
# question.
base-config tzconfig/choose_country_zone_single boolean true
d-i     time/zone       select  US/Pacific

### keyboard configuration

# don't mess with the keymap
console-common  console-data/keymap/policy      select  Don't touch keymap
console-data    console-data/keymap/policy      select  Don't touch keymap

# keyboard layouts
console-data console-data/keymap/qwerty/layout select US american
console-data console-data/keymap/family select qwerty
console-common console-data/keymap/family select qwerty

###### Account setup.

# To preseed the root password, you have to put it in the clear in this
# file. That is not a very good idea, use caution!
passwd   passwd/root-password    password r00tme
passwd   passwd/root-password-again  password r00tme

# If you want to skip creation of a normal user account.
#passwd   passwd/make-user    boolean false
# Alternatively, you can preseed the user's name and login.
passwd   passwd/user-fullname    string User
passwd   passwd/username     string home
# And their password, but use caution!
passwd   passwd/user-password    password 12345
passwd   passwd/user-password-again  password 12345

#### Network configuration.

# netcfg will choose an interface that has link if possible. This makes it
# skip displaying a list if there is more than one interface.
d-i netcfg/choose_interface select auto

# Note that any hostname and domain names assigned from dhcp take
# precidence over values set here. However, setting the values still
# prevents the questions from being shown even if values come from dhcp.
d-i netcfg/get_hostname string unassigned
d-i netcfg/get_domain string unassigned
# to set the domain to empty:
#d-i netcfg/get_domain string 

# Disable that annoying WEP key dialog.
d-i netcfg/wireless_wep string 

### Partitioning.

# you can specify a disk to partition. The device name can be given in either
# devfs or traditional non-devfs format.  For example, to use the first disk
# devfs knows of:
d-i partman-auto/disk string /dev/discs/disc0/disc

# In addition, you'll need to specify the method to use.
# The presently available methods are: "regular", "lvm" and "crypto"
d-i partman-auto/method string regular

# If one of the disks that are going to be automatically partitioned
# contains an old LVM configuration, the user will normally receive a
# warning. This can be preseeded away...
d-i partman-auto/purge_lvm_from_device boolean true
# And the same goes for the confirmation to write the lvm partitions.
d-i partman-lvm/confirm boolean true

# Alternately, If the system has free space you can choose to only partition
# that space.
#d-i  partman-auto/init_automatically_partition select Use the largest 
continuous free space
d-i partman-auto/init_automatically_partition       select  Guided - use entire 

# You can choose from any of the predefined partitioning recipes:
d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe  select All files in one partition (recommended 
for new users)
#d-i  partman-auto/choose_recipe  select Desktop machine
#d-i  partman-auto/choose_recipe  select Multi-user workstation

# uncomment the following three values to makes partman automatically partition
# without confirmation.
d-i partman/confirm_write_new_label boolean true
d-i partman/choose_partition  select Finish partitioning and write changes to 
#d-i partman/confirm     boolean true

#### Boot loader installation.

# This is fairly safe to set, it makes grub install automatically to the MBR
# if no other operating system is detected on the machine.
d-i grub-installer/only_debian  boolean true
# This one makes grub-installer install to the MBR if if finds some other OS
# too, which is less safe as it might not be able to boot that other OS.
d-i grub-installer/with_other_os  boolean true

###### Apt setup.

# automatically set the CD as the installation media.
#base-config apt-setup/uri_type  select http
base-config apt-setup/uri_type  select cdrom
# only scan the first CD by default
base-config apt-setup/cd/another  boolean false
# don't ask to use additional mirrors
base-config apt-setup/another boolean false
# Use a network mirror?
 apt-mirror-setup        apt-setup/use_mirror    boolean false

# Do enable security updates.
#base-config apt-setup/security-updates  boolean true

# You can choose to install non-free and contrib software.
#d-i apt-setup/non-free  boolean true
#d-i apt-setup/contrib boolean true

###### Mailer configuration.

# During a normal install, exim asks only two questions. Here's how to
# avoid even those. More complicated preseeding is possible.
exim4-config  exim4/dc_eximconfig_configtype  select no configuration at this 
# It's a good idea to set this to whatever user account you choose to
# create. Leaving the value blank results in postmaster mail going to
# /var/mail/mail.
exim4-config  exim4/dc_postmaster   string 

### skip some annoying installation status notes

# Avoid that last message about the install being complete.
d-i finish-install/reboot_in_progress note
# Avoid the introductory message.
base-config base-config/intro note 
# Avoid the final message.
base-config base-config/login note 

d-i     popularity-contest/participate  boolean false

xserver-xorg xserver-xorg/config/inputdevice/mouse/emulate3buttons boolean false

### simple-cdd commands

# you may add to the following commands by including a ";" followed by your
# shell commands.

# loads the simple-cdd-profiles udeb to which asks for which profiles to use,
# load the debconf preseeding and queue packages for installation.
d-i preseed/early_command string anna-install simple-cdd-profiles

Attachment: stderr
Description: application/gmc-link

including configuration values for: /home/dave/opc-0.1/profiles/opc.conf
unknown package type: /home/dave/opc-0.1/debs/images/debian-40r3-i386-CD-1.iso
no new dependencies, finished in 1 attempts.
WARNING: missing optional packages from profile default:  localization-config
setting preseed file...
KERNEL_PARAMS:  preseed/file=/cdrom/simple-cdd/default.preseed
setting default locale...
KERNEL_PARAMS:  preseed/file=/cdrom/simple-cdd/default.preseed 
setting default keyboard...
KERNEL_PARAMS:  preseed/file=/cdrom/simple-cdd/default.preseed 
debian-installer/locale=en_US console-keymaps-at/keymap=us
setting automatically selected profiles...
KERNEL_PARAMS:  preseed/file=/cdrom/simple-cdd/default.preseed 
debian-installer/locale=en_US console-keymaps-at/keymap=us 
Missing package file for arch alpha.
Missing package file for arch arm.
Missing package file for arch hppa.
Missing package file for arch hurd-i386.
Missing package file for arch ia64.
Missing package file for arch m68k.
Missing package file for arch mips.
Missing package file for arch mipsel.
Missing package file for arch powerpc.
Missing package file for arch s390.
Missing package file for arch sparc.
Missing package file for arch amd64.
simple-cdd: Running debian-cd makefile
Cleaning the build directory
Generating a fake status file for apt-get and apt-cache...
:> /home/dave/opc-0.1/tmp//cd-build/apt//status
Ign file: etch Release.gpg
Get:1 file: etch Release [938B]
Ign file: etch/main Packages
Ign file: etch/non-free Packages
Ign file: etch/contrib Packages
Ign file: etch/main/debian-installer Packages
Reading package lists...
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Apt-get is updating its files ...
Ign file: etch Release.gpg
Get:1 file: etch Release [938B]
Ign file: etch/main Packages
Ign file: etch/non-free Packages
Ign file: etch/contrib Packages
Ign file: etch/main/debian-installer Packages
Reading package lists...
Generating the complete list of packages to be included in 
Generating the complete list of packages to be removed ...
Running list2cds to sort packages for i386:
  Generating dependency tree with apt-cache depends...
  Adding standard, required, important and base packages first
  S/R/I/B packages take 0 bytes
  Adding the rest of the requested packages
  Now up to 283139780 bytes
Done: processed/sorted 638 packages, total size 283139780 bytes.
Starting to lay out packages into CD (650MiB CD) images: 332031 2K-blocks 
maximum per image
Starting new i386 CD 1 at /home/dave/opc-0.1/tmp//cd-build/etch/CD1
  Adding the required directories
  Generating the image label and volume id
  Adding tools to CD1
  Adding .disk/base_components
  Adding .disk/cd_type
  Adding udeb/base includes/excludes
ERROR: Unable to read UDEB_EXCLUDE file 
  Adding docs to CD1
  Extracting FAQ on CD1
  Adding common docs on CD#1
  Adding installtools
  Adding Release files
  Trying to add upgrade* directories
  (Optionally) making the image bootable for i386:
    Running tools/boot/etch/boot-i386 1 
      Using ISOLINUX boot-disks image on CD1
  Starting the md5sum.txt file
  Placing packages into image 1
  Checking base is installable for i386
  Found all files needed for debootstrap for all binary arches
  Finishing off the Release file
  Finishing off md5sum.txt
  CD 1 (not) filled with 638 packages, 149325 blocks, 305817600 bytes
Finished: 638 packages placed
purging /home/dave/opc-0.1/tmp//extras
including description: /home/dave/opc-0.1/profiles/opc.description
simple-cdd: extra files for simple-cdd
WARNING: missing optional packages from profile default:  localization-config
ERROR: missing required packages from profile opc:  mplayer mozilla-mplayer

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