On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 12:48:24PM +0100, Anton Ivanov wrote:
> [snip]
> > 
> > Isn't ctrl-alt-F[1-6] good enough to get into console mode? In what
> > circumstances whould you not want X to start up on boot if you had
> > installed a *dm?
> > 
>       In the circumstance when you are serving a flock of dumb clients 
> from a single machine. NCD Xterms for example. In this case you *NEED* a *dm 
> running with network access turned on but the machine itself may not even 
> have 
> a video.
>       This setup is a small percentage of the installed base but it does 
> exist and is used.

except this configuration has nothing to do with the runlevel links.
you have to alter the configuration file for xdm or whatever to not
manage a local X server, but you still need the daemon started at
boot, by yes a initscript. 

Ethan Benson

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