On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 08:27:53AM +1100, Sam Couter wrote:
> Otto Wyss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > So why not solve the compression problem at the root? Why not try to
> > change the compression in a way so it does produce a compressed result
> > with the same (or similar) difference rate as the source? 
> Are you going to hack at *every* different kind of file format that you
> might ever want to rsync, to make it rsync friendly?
> Surely it makes more sense to make rsync able to more efficiently deal with
> different formats easily.

I think you reach the right conclusion, but for the wrong reason.

Either you fix rsync for each of n file formats, or you fix n file formats
for rsync :)

The advantage of doing it in rsync-land is that you can do a better job; you
apply the inverse of the compression format at both ends, calculate the
differences, and re-apply compression (probably gzip rather than the original
algorithm, but it depends) to these.  Trying to hack compression algorithms to
fit rsync is in general a bad idea.  Rusty could probably get away with it for
gzip, because it is very simple - decompression of gzip is interpreting codes
like "repeat the 17 characters you saw 38 characters ago".

Other, more sophisticated algorithms, like bzip2 (go and read about the
Burrows-Wheeler Transform, it's amazing ;) would be much harder to hack in any
reasonable way.


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Peter Eckersley
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