David Frey wrote:
> >And also, the /var/catman hierarchy cannot be purged although it is
> >used only by man, because of the indexes and the subdirectories that 
> >are built in it after the installation. 
> >How can I tell to the man package that these are safe to be removed?
> Each package should purge it's own directories. So man has nothing to
> do with it. You could consider to run a mandb in the postrm script.

The situation is complex: /var/catman is in the "man" package, but other
packages add their subdirs and also mandb builds indexes thar aren't
listed in the man package.
If a user decide to purge "man" because he uses only xman or something
new that will come, dpkg complains that /var/catman is not empty and
doesn't remove the hierarchy.
The user has no reason to purge the manpages, because he needs them.

removing the /var/catman from man's postrm can solve this, but I think
it will harm manpages that lists those dirs as installed.

What if I build the /var/catman subdirs in the postinst of manpages 
(if man is installed) and remove all the /var/catman hierarchy in 
prerm of man?

> Only man uses the catman mechanism. My xman insists on reformatting
> the manpages, even if there are cached catman pages around...
> >The xman program that comes in xcontrib doesn't understand locales.
> >Should I raise a bug?
> Unsure about that. Yes?

Maybe it's a configuration problem. What could I do, installing
manpages, to let "automatically" xman find the pages in the new subdirs?

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