On Thu, 2001-09-27 at 17:28, Bill Wohler wrote:
> Sean Middleditch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Why such emphasis?  The idea is to spell words like "colour" instead of
> > > "color", not to write the ls man page in iambic pentameter.
>   No, the idea is to spell it "color," not "colour."
>   The mass of writing in the computer world is American English, for
>   better or for worse, and having different spellings in a single
>   system is as distracting and unprofessional as misspelling the word
>   entirely. Now some don't think that misspelled words are a big deal,
>   but these are not enlightened people.

If the professionality of an OS depends on how the manpages spell
colour, why don't we just throw debian in the trashcan (that's american
or english? dunno...) and switch to windows? i am sure _that_ kind of
bugs are not present on M$ platform, surely they are tagged high
priority, much higher than, say, IE security bugs.

please, don't strech this argument (colour or color) to its crazy limit.

Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      The number of the beast: vi vi vi. -- Delexa Jones

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