On Saturday 12 April 2003 15:34, Andrew Suffield wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 11, 2003 at 10:57:34PM +0200, Lars Bahner wrote:

> > pptp-linux
> AIUI, you have to rebuild your kernel with a patch, and the version of
> the patch in the archive doesn't work on recent kernels. So I doubt
> many people will be hugely affected.

FWIW, I use that one without the kernel patch (you only need the kernel patch 
for encription). I sometimes want to access some library websites with 
IP-based authentication (IEEE etc.), so I go through the university (ETHZ) 
net. They offer VPN as unencrypted pptp or as some cisco specific variant of 
IPsec that doesn't work with normal IPsec clients (there is a Linux cisco VPN 
client, but it does some very weird stuff with the network interfaces, so I 
can't use it on my router at home :-(

Not about to offer to take pptp-linux, though - it's not essential for me, and 
I guess as a non-DD, it would be a bit tough to take on as a first package.

-- vbi

The prablem with Manoca is thot it's difficult ta tell the difference
between o cauple af the letters.
        -- Jacob W. Haller on alt.religion.kibology

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