On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 11:46:45AM -0400, Aaron M. Ucko wrote:
> David Nusinow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Another point of note is that nascent packagers are encouraged to adopt
> > other software that's already in the archive before packaging new
> > items. In this case, he is merely following that advice.
> Granted.  OTOH, applications may be a better place to start, inasmuch
> as they are easier to deal with in many respects and accidentally
> breaking them may not necessarily affect anything else (though it
> obviously depends on the program in question).

Very true. I'd say that going for normal applications is a much better
idea than tackling libraries right away.

> >  - David Nusinow
> Any relation to the Nusinoviches?

I don't think so, but it's possible. The lineage of my name prior to
1900 is pretty much unknown to me. :-)

 - David Nusinow

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