On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 12:31:30AM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 09:35:08AM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
> > It only means that someone
> > wanting to do an NMU for some probably minor, not really touching the
> > package, will not do it because he don't want that responsaibility or
> > more probably cannot assume it. 

> That's the correct response. If you can't handle the responsibility you
> shouldn't be touching other people's packages; you should be sending
> the maintainer patches through the BTS. If someone who can handle the
> responsibility of NMUing comes along and sees the patch before the
> maintainer gets around to it, that's all to the good.

> > No need to attribute
> > responsabilities to people who possibly cannot fullfill them.

> If you can't cope with -- ie, resolve -- the possible problems from NMUing,
> you should not be NMUing.

This is the sticking point, I think.  Are we talking about resolving the
possible problems *from* NMUing, or are we talking about resolving any
problems that happen to show up after the NMU?  I absolutely agree that
an NMUer is responsible for fixing any problems caused by the NMU, but I
don't agree that NMUers should be held responsible for pre-existing bugs
in the package -- whether or not they happened to be exposed by the
NMU in question.

I think that it's generally very silly for someone to NMU a package if
they don't care enough about it to want to try to resolve any RC bugs
that show up and keep the package out of testing; but I don't like the
climate of blame that Stephen Frost's posts seem to be promoting.  He
seems to suggest that NMUers be held even more accountable than the
packages' maintainers:  the worst that happens to a maintainer is that
he doesn't get to see his package included in the stable release, but it
sounds like NMUers are going to be roasted three ways from Sunday for
bugs they didn't actually cause.  If that's the case, I have no
inclination whatsoever to NMU buggy packages -- I'd much rather file for
their removal from the archive.

Holding NMUers accountable for the quality of their uploads: yes.
Holding NMUers accountable for the quality of the maintainer's package: no.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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