
A quick summary of this bug:
Arson, a KDE CD burning application, includes two .desktop files to
associate certain files with it:

For more info on what's been suggested and what's been discussed, see
195214, 195218, and 203954.

Since I've seen no action in three months on possible help from other
maintainers with fixing this SOMEHOW, I'd like some thoughts on the
two solutions that I *can* implement, and the one that I can at least
ram down others' throats:

1. Conflicts: k3b (very ugly)
2. Depends: k3b (also very ugly)
3. Depends: kde-burner-common, which contains the .iso files (which
would have to Conflicts: k3b anyway, unless Jean-Michel is willing to
cooperate, and which is basically archive bloat)

I will do #3 no later than one week from today, unless this discussion
convinces me that it's a bad idea (or the release manager/ftp-masters
object). If that happens, I will implement #1. Why? As a recently
liberated former dialup user, I appreciate how utterly ludicrous it is
to Depend: on a 2.2mb package for 1107 bytes of freaking text.

Please Cc: me on replies, as I'm not subscribed these days.

Mike Markley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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