On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 08:26:44PM -0400, Marco Paganini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
was heard to say:
> I'm packaging a Python program called "ask" for distribution. Currently,
> the main executable is called "ask.py". It seems unusual (and why not say,
> *ugly*) to have the language extension added to the program, but in this
> case, it was a deliberate decision to avoid clash with any other programs
> ("ask" is a pretty common name) under /usr/bin. What is the Debian policy
> on this? What would be the best approach, to leave the program as "ask.py"
> (unusual) or rename it to "ask" (possibility of name conflicts and breakage
> of existing installations)?

  I think it's worth pointing out that if a file called "ask.py" is in
/usr/bin, the statement:

import ask

  from a Python program in /usr/bin which hasn't modified its sys.path
will, unless I am terribly confused, pick up ask.py instead of whatever
module it was looking for.  I'm not aware of any module named "ask"
right now, but I can certainly imagine someone creating one.


/-------------------- Daniel Burrows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -------------------\
|                      Put no trust in cryptic comments.                      |
\---------------------- A duck! -- http://www.python.org ---------------------/

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