Greg Folkert wrote:
On Thu, 2005-01-06 at 23:54 +0100, Blade wrote:

That's the normal way. This way allows me to install dozens of
module-source packages and build module packages from them for Debian
kernels, without having to install a half GiB of additional software
that I really do not need.

What we really need is the apt-get extension mentioned here a while ago
that would allow you to run apt-get on local packages (without
generating a local repository as described by Michel here).

Exceptional, supercalifragilisticexpealidocious, Uber ultra, massively,
extra special, like duh already SECONDED!

What about having a pseudo-repository set up whenever a system is installed. It can be placed in /var/repository and addressd in sources.list as file:///var/repository ./

You drop a .deb file in there, run apt-update-repository to regenerate
the Packages file, and then the package is now apt-getable.

-Roberto Sanchez

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