Frank Küster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It would be good if there was a way to find out "problematic" packages,
> by extracting information about

> - how many bugs does a package have
> - how many of them don't have a single response
> - how many have not been dealt with for n months (or days/weeks for RC
>   bugs) 
> - how many packages depend on the package

> and try to create some rating or ordering.  One could then not only
> identify packages that could use some work, but also for which of them
> it's most useful.


Was posted to debian-devel a few days ago.  :)

> Another good thing would be an effort to go through important packages'
> ancient bugs and clear them up.  E.g. all those, mostly years-old dpkg
> bugs that report a segfault.  Either something should be done about
> them, or they should be closed.

Amen to this.  As soon as I finish a few other projects related to my own
packages, I'd been thinking about picking one of those packages and
volunteering to do bug triage.  I don't see how anyone can find anything
in the BTS when a package has hundreds of bugs, and certainly I doubt new
bug reporters are really reviewing all of the existing bugs if there are
more than a hundred of them.  (debbugs's strong point is handling a small
number of bugs on *lots* of different packages; I find it somewhat
difficult to follow when dealing with a *lot* of bugs on a single

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])               <>

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