On Sunday 05 February 2006 03:58, gregor herrmann wrote:

> GnuPG::Interface can process or create PGP signed or encrypted
> email.

What kind?  Does it handle PGP/MIME mail and inline signed/encrypted both?  
(And didn't mutt have their own pseudo standard from before PGP/MIME?) I 
think this should be mentioned in the description.

(And I'm just wondering: does it handle both PGP/MIME signed + encrypted as 
separate layers, S/MIME style, and also as signed+encrypted OpenPGP blob in 
one multipart/encrypted container?)

-- vbi

pub  1024D/92082481 2002-02-22 Adrian von Bidder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Key fingerprint = EFE3 96F4 18F5 8D65 8494  28FC 1438 5168 9208 2481

Attachment: pgpkVcr3GKPFJ.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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