On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 04:20:13PM +0300, Linas Žvirblis wrote:
> Joey Hess wrote:
> Z
> > If so, I would be happy to add this to tasksel, so that the desktop task
> > automatically installs it if it detects a system that is not easily
> > capable of running kde/gnome. Tasksel has the infrastructure needed to
> > support doing this kind of thing, just a matter of finding appropriate
> > heuristics to pick the right desktop variant in an unsuprising way.
Hi Linas,
what about /proc/cpuinfo to determine MHZ and /proc/meminfo to find MB.
does this provide some way to get this info accross all (or most) of the
And how about using /proc/* to guess what kind of storage is avalable to
determine which install will likely fill the HD?

> No automatic detection can be 100% unsurprising, because it highly
> depends on your expectations. I do realize that desktop task is not
> targeted at experienced users, but this autodetection should at least be
> optional.
> I am sure this has been discussed many times, but one thing i would
> really like to see in tasksel is:
>  [X] Desktop environment
>   [X] I do not know (automatic/default)
>   [ ] KDE desktop environment
>   [ ] GNOME desktop environment
>   [ ] XFCE desktop environment
>   [ ] $foo desktop environment
> > I think this would be better than a meta package because it would be
> > available in the regular install, and it would avoid some of the issues
> > with meta packages.
> Meta package or not, I do not consider "Light Desktop" a good name
> because it is too general. A name like "XFCE desktop" would be way more
> descriptive.
What about: '100-300MHZ system desktop(XFCE)'

Also, based upon the cpu/mem info, display:
you machine has a 766MHZ processor with 128MB memory.
[x]KDE desktop environment[500mhz or greater]
[ ]GNOME desktop evirnoenne[500mhz or greater]
[ ]XFCE desktop enviorneme[300mhz or greater]
[ ]TWM desktop enviroemnet[100mhz or greater]
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