Le dimanche 09 décembre 2007 à 15:44 -0800, Steve Langasek a écrit :
> > For example, pkg-config --libs gtk+-x11-2.0 will return, among others,
> > -lglib-2.0 and -lm. And this is perfectly intentional.
> Just because it's intentional doesn't mean it isn't absurd and wrong.

It may be absurd, but I don’t think it is wrong.

> No, what can be done is to fix upstream's broken declaration that 'you can
> assume glib functions are available when doing "#include <gtk/gtk.h>"'.  It
> doesn't follow that just because this works in practice, it should be a
> supported usage.

When many of the types used by GTK+ are those provided by GLib, it
sounds wrong to ask developers to include the GLib headers to have these
types available.

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