Andreas Tille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Call me old fashioned but I want to see a set of files if I do
>     apt-get source XY
> and want to see the patches to the original tarball.

That's not "old-fashioned", because that's never been what 'apt-get
source foo' is meant to do. "old-fashioned" (and, IMAO, "sensible") is
for the above command to get the complete already-patched source,
ready to build and/or examine as a Debian package.

> I could browse the diff but haveing all patches collected (and
> commented THERE) is in my eyes the easiest way to see what the
> maintainer has done.

"easiest" only if everyone uses exactly the patch-management scheme
you're accustomed to. Currently, as JoeyH points out, the only one
that's currently expected for Debian is a single diff against the

 \     "Jealousy: The theory that some other fellow has just as little |
  `\                                      taste."  -- Henry L. Mencken |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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