On Sun March 30 2008 14:01:33 Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Mar 2008, Mike Bird wrote:
> > THANK YOU IAN for persisting with triggers despite the tedious delays by
> > blistering incompetents.  And thanks Joey for the interesting use cases.
> Ian has nothing to do with the experimental upload nor with the work of
> merging his code in dpkg.
> Guillem did all of this. Thank you to the people who have been supportive.
> And thanks to Guillem for doing the work despite the unfriendly atmosphere
> that some managed to create.


Designing and implementing triggers was a lot more work, and a lot more
serious work, than merely merging a git branch.  Once you start to learn
some programming you'll understand the difference.

I'm glad that Guillem finally found time out from reformatting code to
merge Ian's work.  Guillem could have blocked triggers indefinitely but
to thank Guillem for ONLY delaying triggers by eight or ten months is hokum.

--Mike Bird

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