Il giorno dom, 23/11/2008 alle 17.32 +0000, Steve Kemp ha scritto:
> On Sun Nov 23, 2008 at 17:59:13 +0100, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> >  - Send your private Debian GPG Key to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Include
> >    the brand of your perfume and the color of the make-up.
>   I find it disappointing to see this posted, and in bad taste.

/me guesses from when having sense of humor evicted started to be a
requisite for being a Debian developer.

Federico Di Gregorio               
Debian GNU/Linux Developer                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
INIT.D Developer                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Se si insegna a un bambino a programmare in qualche linguaggio
   informatico, questo esercizio logico lo renderà padrone e non
   schiavo del computer.                                  -- Umberto Eco

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