2009/8/1 brian m. carlson <sand...@crustytoothpaste.ath.cx>:
> On Sat, Aug 01, 2009 at 02:24:28AM +0300, Eugene Gorodinsky wrote:
>> Is there any way to actually make it harder to spam the list? I just
>> subscribed and already see spam and phishing attacks...
> Yes.  There are infinitely many ways to make it harder to spam the list,
> among them:
> * Allowing posting only by subscribers.
> * Requiring a signed agreement and a surety bond before allowing posting
>  to the list.
> * Only allowing people to post to the list if they have an armed guard
>  standing beside them who shoots spammers on sight.
> * Not allowing posting to the list.
> Unfortunately, all the ways that have yet been proposed and not
> implemented have been rejected by the listmasters because all of them
> involve tradeoffs that are unacceptable to the listmasters or the Debian
> community.  If you think you have a better one that has not yet been
> discussed, feel free to file a bug on the lists.debian.org
> pseudo-package.
Thanks. Filed a wishlist proposal.

> While you're at it, please don't reply to spam, and if you must reply to
> it, please don't quote it.  We don't want to see it (again) and you make
> it harder for those of us who use statistics-based spam filters.
Ok. Sorry about that

> HTH.
> --
> brian m. carlson / brian with sandals: Houston, Texas, US
> +1 713 440 7475 | http://crustytoothpaste.ath.cx/~bmc | My opinion only
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> =fE7h

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