On Fri, 11 Feb 2011 09:46:13 +0100, Jérémy Lal wrote:

> Hi,
> if one manages two versions of a software :
> 2.0, the latest, which goes to experimental
> and 1.0.x, still maintained by upstream, going to unstable.
> What's the best way to name gbp branches ?
> I thought of something like :
> 2.0                   1.0.x
> master                        master-1.0.x
> upstream              upstream-1.0.x
> pristine-tar          pristine-tar-1.0.x
> is there some common practice ?

I usually use something like:

master <> exp/master for, respectively, unstable and experimental and upstream
<> exp/upstream. You can achieve the latter by passing
--upstream-branch=exp/upstream to git-import-orig.

If you don't expect new upstream versions of 1.0.x for unstable (which AIUI is
not the case for your software), you could use "upstream" both for unstable
*and* experimental (i.e. just "git import-orig" in the correct order). You'll
just need to use some appropriate switches when building.

Now you can run git-buildpackage. Depending on the branch you're on (master or
exp/master), it will use that as "debian branch". Then you need to specify the
upstream branch:

$ git-buildpackage --upstream-branch=exp/upstream

This is for building the experimental version, in case the upstream branches
are split.

If you use a unified upstream branch, i.e. only the latest code is available
there (2.0), and you need to build the unstable version, you can even use tags:

$ git-buildpackage --upstream-branch=upstream/1.0.x

I don't know if there's any better layout though :)


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