'Martin Mitchell wrote:'
>If they want to remain with a libc5 development environment, they have two
>choices, stay with bo, or use altdev from hamm. You regard utmp corruption
>as a minor issue, I would not, especially if I expected that staying with
>mainly bo would give me a stable system. No one is forcing them to do
>anything, however it is not unreasonable to expect them to upgrade some
>packages, including replacing -dev with -altdev, if they want to have the
>benefits of some newer packages.

No, I think we can fix the packages to support both utmp compatibility
and easier upgradeability.

Why can't we do the following:

In both bo-updates and hamm:
  libc5:  No conflicts, no depends (predepends on ldso, of course)
    (solves the problem of not being able to upgrade easily)

In hamm:
  libc6: Conflicts: libc5 (<=5.4.23-6)
    (solves the problem of utmp corruption)

  libc*-dev: Provides: libc-dev; Conflicts libc-dev

I think that these two changes fix the problems.  Does anyone
disagree?  Agree?

Christopher J. Fearnley          |  Linux/Internet Consulting
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   |  Design Science Revolutionary
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