On 26/01/2012 14:53, Russ Allbery wrote:
> 5. The exported symbols of the library contained many symbols that
>    obviously weren't really from that library, but instead were artifacts
>    of the C++ compilation process, things like instantiations of
>    std::vector.  Do those go into the symbols file?  Do they change from
>    architecture to architecture?  If they disappear again, is that
>    actually an ABI break?  How do I know?  It's all very mysterious, and
>    while shlibs provides the same semantics as just ignoring this, at
>    least I'm not then including in the package data, generated by me,
>    things that I'm just blindly ignoring.

Most upstream libraries don't usually have any std:: symbols that are meant to
be exported. In the case of libzen and libmediainfo which I recently packaged, I
just added the following to the bottom of my symbols file to ignore them:

 (optional|c++|regex)"^std::" 0.7.52
 (optional|c++|regex)"^(bool|void|MediaInfoLib::File_Mxf::indextable\*) std::"

What I found most frustrating, though, was the size_t handling, which ends up
being expanded into unsigned int on some architectures, and unsigned long on
others, resulting in the same function (which takes a size_t parameter) being
mangled differently per arch. I used the following workaround for size_t using

unsigned (int|long)\)@Base" 0.7.52

And then there's also long double/__float128 (powerpc), which I worked around in
the same manner.

Kind regards,
Loong Jin

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