On 07/05/2014 18:59, Bas Wijnen wrote:

>>>   * texlive-bin (texlive-binaries)
>> Actually with this one is worst, since the LPPL is not compatible with
>> the GPL, lets not even talk about GPLv3 or AGPLv3 :-/
> If it's incompatible with the GPL and the way they distributed it was
> acceptable, then I can't see why anything would have changed now.

texlive-bin uses the software (gs), As you, yourself, said, the
difference between the AGPL and the GPL is that the AGPL protects the
user, not only the people that download the software. This means that by
some interpretation (Ian Jackson said so, for example), the AGPL will
contaminate texlive, whereas the GPL did not.

Do you see what changed there?

Jean-Christophe Dubacq

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