On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 12:27:19AM +0100, Steven Chamberlain wrote:
> On 14/05/14 23:34, Luca Filipozzi wrote:
> >> In the last week at least 13 of my own servers/VMs at two sites (each site
> >> has a caching DNS resolver), my desktop and also my laptop from offsite
> >> have been querying this zone, every day.  I debootstrapped a new chroot
> >> using this zone only two days ago.
> > 
> > I'll put it back in for a week, see what queries we get.
> *Thank you*.  There should have been queries already from at least 2 IPs (or
> possibly IPv6) where I have servers that have just done a successful 'apt-get
> update'.

Twenty-four hours after re-enabling the zone, configuring it to be served only
from debian.org nameservers and setting record TTL to 10m (they were 4h) to
force requeries, we've had 26 unique queries of 86 total queries (after
removing google and other clearly-identifiable bots).

The unique queries are:

      1 query: arch.mirror.debian.net IN A -
      2 query: au.alpha.mirror.debian.net IN A +
      1 query: au.alpha.mirror.debian.net IN A -EDC
      1 query: fr.powerpc.mirror.debian.net IN A -ED
      2 query: gb.amd64.mirror.debian.net IN A -
      1 query: gb.amd64.mirror.debian.net IN AAAA -
      3 query: gb.amd64.mirror.debian.net IN A -ED
      4 query: gb.amd64.mirror.debian.net IN ANY -
      1 query: gb.amd64.mirror.debian.net IN MX -
      3 query: gb.amd64.mirror.debian.net IN NS -
      3 query: gb.kfreebsd-amd64.mirror.debian.net IN AAAA -ED
     17 query: gb.kfreebsd-amd64.mirror.debian.net IN A -ED
      1 query: gb.kfreebsd-amd64.mirror.debian.net IN MX -ED
      4 query: gb.kfreebsd-i386.mirror.debian.net IN AAAA -ED
     10 query: gb.kfreebsd-i386.mirror.debian.net IN A -ED
      2 query: gb.kfreebsd-i386.mirror.debian.net IN ANY -ED
      1 query: gb.kfreebsd-i386.mirror.debian.net IN MX -ED
      1 query: gb.kfreebsd-i386.mirror.debian.net IN NS -ED
      1 query: gb.kfreebsd-i386.mirror.debian.net IN SOA -ED
      4 query: it.amd64.mirror.debian.net IN A -EDC
     18 query: nl.arm.mirror.debian.net IN A -ED
      1 query: nl.arm.mirror.debian.net IN MX -EDC
      1 query: us.mirror.debian.net IN AAAA -EDC
      1 query: us.mirror.debian.net IN A -EDC
      1 query: us.powerpc.mirror.debian.net IN A -
      1 query: www.mirror.debian.net IN A -EDC

I'm guessing the gb.* lookups are mostly you.  The au.* lookups are DSA.

That leaves somebody looking up nl*.  You and he/she might be the last users of
this zone.

I don't think this level of traffic (the TTL is 10m) justifies the maintenance
of this zone by either the mirror team (who don't want it ) or DSA (who don't
want to maintain it).  It also presents a special snowflake in the debian.net
zone (all other entries are in LDAP but *mirror.debian.net is not) which is why
replacing the zone's current A records with CNAME records (to http.debian.net)
doesn't appeal.

If you're concerned about my dropping this zone outright, I'm happy to email
debian-users, debian-devel and debian-infrastructure-announce to give warning,
advising users who might still be using these hostnames in their apt sources to
consider http.debian.net instead.



Luca Filipozzi

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