❦ 10 mai 2015 08:20 -0400, The Wanderer <wande...@fastmail.fm> :

>>> Were you actually using ifupdown to manage the varied set of
>>> wireless networks?  Because if not, then the name shouldn't
>>> matter.
>> Yes, I’m using ifupdown. Besides USB NICs don’t have to be WiFi.
> Lots of people are, and it's inappropriate and IMO a bad idea to just
> assume that you can safely break what was once and may very well still
> be the single most widely-used method of controlling network interfaces
> under *nix.

Do you speak about ifupdown? It's Debian only. eth* interfaces is not
*nix at all since all BSD are using per-driver naming convention.

> It has been safe to assume that wired interfaces will be named ethX, and
> wireless ones wlanX, for so long that that assumption is built into many
> existing procedures - both as implemented in code, and as implemented in
> human habits and practices. If that assumption is to be broken, IMO at
> minimum a multi-year explicit deprecation period (such as that used for
> Linux-kernel feature removal) would be appropriate.

On Linux, wireless drivers have long used eth* names, except for some
out-of-tree drivers. It was the introduction fo the MAC 802.11 soft
layer (2.6.22+) that gradually switched drivers to use wlan* names. And
this change was driver by driver, at each release without much
publicity. Drivers not using the new framework to register themselves
are still using eth* names (like the Prism54 "full mac" driver).

>> You may switch the the naming scheme in virtual environments, but
>> only here.
>> SLES is using some strange interface names like em1 or p1p2, but I
>> hate it. I prefer my eth0 name.
> I'll note that I've also seem some proprietary (but mission-critical)
> software which hardcodes interface names in some places; for example,
> older versions of Novell ZENworks' system-imaging utility would crash
> when attempting to multicast on a machine with an interface named em1
> and no interface named eth0, reporting an inability to get the MAC
> address.

This thread is about changing the default naming convention for network
interfaces. If you love to run an unmaintained version of Novell
ZENworks, you can still have an eth0 interface if you want.

Actually, when rebooting your (mission-critical) server, you can have a
race condition where "eth1" is not the interface that was "eth1" on the
previous boot and "rename5" is the interface that should be
"eth1". That's what needs to be fixed. Doing nothing won't fix that.
Make your program read from top to bottom.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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