On Wed, 11 Nov 2015 15:38:18 +0100, Tom H <tomh0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>systemd isn't the first package to allow/promote shipping distro
>settings in "/lib" or "/usr/lib" and overriding them via "/etc"; udev
>and polkit/policykit have behaved like this for a long time.

Pötteringware, of course. And that doesn't make it right.

>also "/usr/lib/sysctl.d/" where a distro ship settings that can be
>overridden via "/etc/sysctl.d/". I don't know how extensively it's
>used on Debian - it's empty on my systems - but systemd used to
>modify, at least, kernel.sysrq in older systemd versions in this way.

I didn't know that and would have been severely surprised. But, alas,
it's empty on all my systems as well.

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