On Wed, Mar 23 2016, Adam Borowski wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 01:32:59PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
>> Adam Borowski writes ("Re: a poll for Dgit workflows"):
>> > On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 10:19:01AM +0100, Daniel Stender wrote:
>> > > Ah yes, source format 1.0 fits better here. Thanks for the pointer and
>> > > comments (Manoj, too).
>> > 
>> > Please don't use source format 1.0, it sucks.  Instead, you can:
>> >   echo single-debian-patch >debian/source/options
>> > which gives you all upsides of 3.0 without the big downside, aka quilt.

        And creates a source package that does not correspond to my
 repository. I don’t need to have a ./debian/patches in my repository;
 all that information, along with a rich history of changes, is already
 in git.

        I admit, I don’t much care whether the source debian.tar.xz
 reflects my repository or not, if it didn’t leave artifacts that
 dirtied my working tree when creating the source package.  I also
 sometimes unpack debian source packages on machines without dpkg on
 them; source format 1.0 makes it somewhat easier.

        And it does interfere with using dgit as a publication

>> Please don't use source format `3.0 (quilt)', it sucks.
> Could you tell us what other downsides it has, besides quilt?
> All other differences I'm aware of are upsides: .xz, multiple tarballs
> or ambivalent: purging upstream debian/

        The source format 1.0 can also use .xz, if it so desired, right?
 Or a source format 1.1?  Perhaps at some point someone, perhaps I, will
 take a stab at that.

        And, if I ma channel Marco here, multiple tarballs and purging
 upstream debian/ does nothing for me. But there is nothing in that that
 is tied to source format 3.0 (quilt); in theory all these features, if
 deemed important enough an itch to scratch, can be addressed.

        As long as arbitrarily serialized patch sets are not my
 preferred form of modification, ./debian/patches seems like busy work.

Everyone has a purpose in life.  Perhaps yours is watching
television. David Letterman
Manoj Srivastava <sriva...@acm.org> <http://www.golden-gryphon.com/>  
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